Friday, March 15, 2013

Enrique Nieto: Just Married #108

From Lambiek: Argentinian cartoonist Enrique Nieto was affiliated to the Latin-American Union Studios between 1974 and 1978. He drew stories for many of Charlton's 1970s horror titles, such as Beyond the Grave, Creepy Things, Fightin' Marines, Ghost Manor, Ghostly Haunts, Ghostly Tales, Haunted, Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves, Monster Hunters and Scary Tales. He also drew for romance and war titles. He used several pen names, such as Joe Nieto or Fred Nieto.


  1. Enrique Nieto is my new addiction! His homoerotic work (all his men seem to be musclebound gods and/ or hairy-chested he-men!) in Charlton titles in the mid- to late '70s have an almost Steranko feel to them. The wild layouts, lean figures, and op-art backgrounds are brilliant, to say the least. His use of color, however, in many of his romance stories create an even more psychedelic experience, with his characters RARELY having flesh-colored skin, but rather, pinks, blues, yellows, oranges, greens...! These stories are the GROOVIEST trip I've had in comics since the '60s. Charlton's Nieto was truly the "Poor Man's Steranko!" A unique talent in his own right!

    1. Hey, Don. Lance Rayburn here. I posted the Nieto comment, but I appear to be identified, for some reason as "Unknown."
