Wednesday, January 16, 2013

ANOTHER Donaldganger: Donald J. Mangus

I mentioned before how I was not the only Don Mangus in the USA, and not the only Don Mangus who is an artist. Rather than mope about my lack of uniqueness, I'm toying with the idea of combining all the Don Manguses' accomplishments into one super-resume.

From comes news of yet another Donaldganger:

This Leonardo DaVinci-inspired cover art is by Donaldganger,  Donald J. Mangus

On Thought (Elysium): A Book of Poems and Short Stories by Donald J. Mangus.

"On Thought" is a compilation of poems and stories written throughout the years during the author's travels around the world, including the strong influence of surgeries he performed in third world countries during times of war and the aftermath that followed. Some of the poems and stories are a relection of how others have touched the life of the author, and others reflect the atuhor's vivid imagination.

About the Author

As a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Don Mangus has traveled to Africa, South Korea, the Philippines, South America, and Mexico, where between 1973 and 1993, he spent a total of eighteen months performing reconstructive surgical procedures.

He has traveled overseas, independently, and with Project Hope, Interplast, Orthopedics Overseas, Care-Medico, and the Medical Benevolent Foundation. In South Korea, he treated and reconstructed massive burn wounds and their subsequent deformities. In Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, while the capital was surrounded by Eritrean rebels, he operated on the mutilating war injuries at both the Army Hospital, and at the Black Lion Hospital. Dr. Mangus has great compassion for the victims of war, trauma and disease. As past founder and director of a Northern California burn center, he reflects in this book his great feelings for the victims of the sometimes violent and tragic side of the human experience.

Donald J. Mangus also has two other published books, Scarlet Roads and Echoes, and Chizuru 1945.

Music Professor Charles Danbury and young Sadako meet a decade after the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan.

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